Sunday, August 30, 2015

DIY Theming Part 2 - Dignified Doors

In my last blog post I wrote about some DIY tools available through online sites to theme, remodel, or just spruce up your children’s area. In this post and the next, I want to show you what we

Friday, August 21, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Holly Wood Squares Review Game - Puppet Style

I saw a great review game with puppets on the I Love Kidmin Facebook page this week. So today, KidFrugal will feature our first guest post. I think it is Matthew's first blog post too. I kind of roped him into it! Here it is:

Friday, July 24, 2015

Reusing Roll Paper

This is truly a Kidfrugal post. What I mean by that is this post is about one of the best purchases I ever made. We got a lot of mileage out of it.

A few years ago, our VBS called for making a road – so I bought a roll of black paper with 1000 feet. Here are some of the things we have done with the paper.

Race track on the floor: we used white duct tape to make the lines on the road.

I literally re-used the same

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Homemade Scratch Off Cards

There are some advantages to a small children’s ministry. One is that you can do fun things like make your own scratch-off cards for the kids. These are really easy to make (if you mix your

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Joseph Rules in Egypt

Drama is one of the finest ways for children to experience Bible stories. Many passages in the history books of the Bible lend themselves to drama. Here we did Joseph supervising the collection of grain during the 7 good years of crops in Egypt.

You will probably have most of the props on hand for this story. You need:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How God Brought Our Walls Down (Sort Of)

Four years ago I began working my way into leadership of the children’s ministry in our church. There were a lot of changes to be made, and one of the first was updating our facility.

I started by asking a few people for some ideas. One idea that surfaced was to remove

Saturday, May 16, 2015

A "Popping" Good Gift for Your Pop on Father's Day

Recently my husband was in charge of getting offering buckets for a community service planned by a group of pastors. They told him to get Kentucky Fried Chicken or popcorn buckets or anything like that. They wanted 40 of them. 

Well, I found a great deal online for 50. That gave me 10 extra buckets to keep for myself. Turns out they had another 5 left after the event, which we conveniently took off their hands for them!

Now for the best part. I was on Pinterest and I saw this great

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

How To Get a Green Screen for Free...Sort of

I heard a sermon recently on God’s creative provision. The speaker used Elijah as an example. How did God provide for Elijah? Here’s a hint, it was for the birds. The point was, and is, that we should never think God can’t provide just because we cannot see how it would be possible.  So this is a post about how God provided a green screen for our church when it looked impossible.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Communicating with Flare

Anne of Avonlea used to say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Some might call it stealing, but the whole idea of blogs and Pinterest is to give us ideas. So when I saw this great idea for creative ways to communicate on SamLuce’s blog, I stole it, err, I mean imitated it. 

In this blog, Sam did a "self-interview" which is when you write a script and play both parts. You video tape one part and then interview yourself live. I took his idea and used it to make an announcement. Only I shanghaied my daughter into being the interviewee. Since we had just purchased a green screen, we went one step further than Sam and actually put the South Pole behind her.

This was a lot of fun to write and make. Sam also

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sword Practice with the Word of God

This was a Bible-learning activity that we did in VBS when we did Knights of God by Next Gen 4 Christ. I combined several of their ideas to create this activity.

Goal: To help children learn how to apply the Bible to real life situations. This activity allowed them

Pirate Themed Trunk & Treat

Shiver me timbers and batton down the hatch, it's trunk and treat time and have we got a theme for you. Be sure to check the video out a...