Showing posts with label church themed environments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church themed environments. Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2018

Repurposing In KidMin - Doors & Windows

I admit it, I am a perfectionist. And I don't always take no for an answer. Sometimes that turns out to be a good thing. Like when we redid our children's area, and I could not stand how the old doors looked in the new area.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Live On Location - VBS

Watch this short interview with Amy Livingston to learn more about the effect of event decorating.

Catch a few of our VBS decorations in the video below. I heard dads go "Wow, this is cool." when they walked through my favorite room filmed below. I expect that from moms, but to hear dads say it meant were really making an impression.

You can see some of the other decorations we made for this VBS here and here and here.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ocean Commotion Decoration

Sea Turtles, bubbles and seaweed.
We recently completed the first week of a 2-part VBS. Here are some of the decorations. Like the bubbles? We made them by soaking paper with water and then dropping blue paint onto the paper. See the picture below. Then we cut out different sized circles when it was dry.

They hung a gauzy material from the ceilings to replicate water and put black silhouettes of sea creatures above it.

I love the coral they made from pool noodles and Great Stuff (the spray insulation foam you can buy).

There were swarms of fish everywhere. The older ladies in the church loved cutting these out.

Even the coat racks get covered.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Church Nursery Makeover

Ever seen these babies in the nursery? No, not the father/daughter team, the cribs. A few years ago we decided it was time to do a nursery makeover, even though we didn't have any babies at the time.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Decorating for VBS

Recently our church had the opportunity to be involved in a collaborative VBS. We partnered with two other churches. The VBS was actually held twice, once at the “mother” church and then again at our church a month later. 

We moved all of the decorations down to our church and

Sunday, August 30, 2015

DIY Theming Part 2 - Dignified Doors

In my last blog post I wrote about some DIY tools available through online sites to theme, remodel, or just spruce up your children’s area. In this post and the next, I want to show you what we

Friday, August 21, 2015

Pirate Themed Trunk & Treat

Shiver me timbers and batton down the hatch, it's trunk and treat time and have we got a theme for you. Be sure to check the video out a...