Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Decorating for VBS

Recently our church had the opportunity to be involved in a collaborative VBS. We partnered with two other churches. The VBS was actually held twice, once at the “mother” church and then again at our church a month later. 

We moved all of the decorations down to our church and
reformatted them to fit our building. Here are a few of the results: 

Here is Mount Kilimanjaro at the "mother" church. Note the size of the elephant in their sanctuary.
Here is Mount Kilimanjaro being set up at our church (along with the tree of life).

Look how much larger the elephant appears! We eventually moved him out front and put the Tree of Life in the foreground.
You can just see the tree trunk from the Tree of Life behind the elephant. The elephant really stood out when he was moved forward.

Command strips, glue dots, binder clamps and zip ties are used to hang and attach things. This enabled us to re-hand and attach them at our church.

Instead of buying separate plastic tablecloths, plastic tablecloth rolls were purchased for areas requiring a large amount. Here the dark green plastic was from a roll. The lighter green plastic is individual table clothes . All of the plastic that had not been slit was kept for the next year.

This was the jungle room. We had jungle sounds playing on an iPad during VBS.

I loved how the sign that was used over an outdoor entrance at church #1 was re-purposed at our church.  Since our building is brick, it could not be attached to the facility (without making permanent holes). So we used it as a sort of sign out front.

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