Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Dunkin In the River with Namaan
Any Bible story with a visual "change" in it is candidate for a magic "change" bag. Namaan's leprosy is a perfect match. Here's how I told the story.
First, I made some cardstock figures. You can back these with flannel and use a flannel board. I simply used a pocket chart to save the extra work of backing them. These printable Bible character figures are free at Activity-Mom.com.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
How to Showcase Your Children's Ministry
Sunday School 2016 by Julia from Joan Eppehimer on Vimeo.
We made this video last year to show in church as a way to keep the children's ministry before the congregation. As many of you know, you never know how many children you will have on any given Sunday. This was a great way to let people see the whole picture.